Alexander Consulting (Kent) Ltd
Alexander Consulting (Kent) Ltd


Quantity Surveying


The Cost Consultants role in the modern construction sector is diverse but the core professional services we can offer to clients is summarised as:


Corporate Services

We provide confidential and independent Corporate services to Accountants, Insolvency Practitioners, Banks and other financial institutions


Retention Recovery


Most Main Contractors are poor at best in managing this process and will tie up your staff endlessly chasing retentions over and over....they should be better employed in your business.


We offer a “Fixed Fee” construction retention recovery service ideal for Sub-Contractors

We are located at:

Alexander Consulting (Kent) Ltd

104 Caling Croft

New Ash Green


Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


0788 671 2350 0788 671 2350


Or use our contact form.

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